My Exploring Day

On this Monday 6th, my class and I went to too buatiutiful parks, one of them is the "Identity Park", and the "Park of Mates Burilados", to take part of our Exploring Day. First we went to the "Identity Park", there we toke notes about the stautes od this part and we learned about them and about the things that the characters of these statues did, too we learnd about the significated of the rocks there, that rocks represent the ancient Inca irrigation systems.
Second we wet to the Mates Park THis park wastoo funny, becajuse we could enter to some atractions like the "Tunnel of Fear", this was too funny because all of us were screaming and laughing and we couldeat ice cream and bought some sourvenirs of this park, the most interesting of thsi park in my opinion was the distributions of the differents "mates burilados" and the atractions that it had.
Finelly we went to a stadium to have lunch and play games like volleyball with our friends, and when was time to return, on the bus we were singing different song like "Mil horas" among others, in the end, the trip was very funny and unforgettable.
