My Peru...My Huancayo

 When we talk about being Peruvian, we usually only think on food, but be peruvian is more than that...

being peruvian means, visit the legendary "Lineas de Nazca" on Jun with your family and friends; be peruvian means, listen to the famous "Juan Diego Flores" when you are at home and in important events; being peruvian means, watch peruvian movies with your family; being peruvian mean participate in peruvian traditions when is moment; being peruvian means, travel around the country every year and the most important, being peruvian means, drink "Inca Kola" in your special moments.

Inca Kola

Being Peruvian doesn't only mean living in Peru, being Peruvian is also identifying with your city, in my case...Huancayo.

Being "huancaino" means, dance "Huaylarsh" when you are happy; being "huancaino" means, visit the "Identity Park" to have unforgettable moments; being "huancaino" means, cook ceviche on Sundays morning and the most important of all is...being "huancaino" means, be Incontrastable for ever.

Peru is my country, and Huancayo is my city, where my heart is all the eternity...

By, Soher Salameh
